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PFAS Water Contamination Cancer

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    Lawyers Helping Families Nationwide Harmed by PFAS Water Contamination Cancer

    What if the water you drink every day is responsible for causing cancer? This is increasingly the case in communities around the United States, where water supplies have become tainted with so-called “forever chemicals”. Also known as PFAS, these substances are becoming pervasive throughout the natural environment, resulting in contaminated groundwater and drinking water. According to federal data, up to 110 million Americans are drinking PFAS-contaiminated water, but no one knows the true extent of the problem.

    What we do know is that once PFAS chemicals enter the human body, they bioaccumulate–or build up–over time and never break down. Even small doses have been linked to harm. PFAS contamination of drinking water causes an elevated risk for testicular cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer and pancreatic cancer. PFAS in drinking water has also been found to cause reproductive problems, weakened childhood immunity, low birthweight, endocrine disruption, elevated cholesterol and weight gain. 98% of American blood samples contain PFAS substances, and babies today are born with these forever chemicals already in their bodies.

    Used in the production of fluoropolymer coatings and products that resist heat, oil, stains, grease, and water, PFAS chemicals can be traced to a variety of industrial and commercial settings. One significant source of water contamination is thought to be fire-fighting foam used on military bases and at airports. In 2010, the Department of Defense described these chemicals as “persistent, bio-accumulating and toxic” yet continued to utilize fluorine-based firefighting foam for emergency response and training. The Pentagon has acknowledged 401 sites where military operations have released PFAS chemicals and contaminated the groundwater. Researchers believe there are likely many more such sites.

    Now the federal government faces serious questions regarding the known release of toxic forever chemicals into groundwater in communities across the country. Persons and family members of persons who have developed testicular cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer or pancreatic cancer as a result of contaminated drinking water are filing water contamination lawsuits against the federal government. Filing a PFAS water contamination lawsuit is the only means individuals and families have to obtain the compensation they deserve for suffering, harm, medical expenses and loss linked to PFAS drinking water cancer. In addition, filing a water contamination cancer lawsuit is the best means for individual citizens to hold the federal government accountable for contaminated drinking water.

    PFAS Cancer Lawsuits

    Persons and family members of persons who have developed testicular cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer or pancreatic cancer as a result of PFAS contaminated drinking water may be entitled to compensation through filing water contamination lawsuits. Individuals who match this description are eligible for free, no-obligation case reviews with an attorney handling national drinking water cancer lawsuit claims. PFAS cancer lawsuits against the federal government are the most effective means for citizens harmed by contaminated drinking water to recover compensation and hold the government accountable for the harm caused by PFAS chemicals in drinking water. Lawyers handling drinking water lawsuits for cancer work on contingency, meaning you will never pay legal fees unless we win compensation for you.

    PFAS Water Lawsuit FAQ

    This page provides answers to common questions about filing a water contamination lawsuit for cancer. Compiled by attorneys handling PFAS drinking water lawsuit claims, this information applies to most general questions regarding lawsuits for cancer from contaminated drinking water. Our attorneys handling contaminated drinking water lawsuit claims also offer free, no-obligation case consultation. If your questions are not answered by reading this page or you would prefer to speak directly with a lawyer handling national PFAS drinking water lawsuits, please complete the above given form. 

    PFAS Water Attorneys

    Our PFAS drinking water attorneys have a long track record of success, winning significant compensation for individuals and families harmed by exposure to toxins and contaminants. When the health and well-being of American citizens has been imperiled at no fault of their own, our PFAS drinking water lawyer group sees it as our mission to pursue justice no matter how complex the case. Our attorneys handling cancer cases related to PFAS contaminated drinking water help individuals recover the compensation they need and deserve, while holding the responsible parties accountable for wrongdoing and harm. 

    PFAS in Drinking Water

    PFAS forever chemicals have been found in drinking water sources throughout the United States. PFAS enters the groundwater when released at airports and military bases as well as commercial and industrial sites. Once PFAS chemicals enter the groundwater, they seep through the environment, ending up in our drinking water, crops, animals, food supply and ourselves. PFAS chemicals are known to build up in the body over time and never break down, resulting in a litany of health problems.

    PFAS Cancer

    Even in small doses, PFAS forever chemicals have been found to cause harm. PFAS cancer is one example of the impacts forever chemicals have on human health. PFAS cancer from contaminated water includes testicular cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer and pancreatic cancer. Persons and loved ones of persons who have developed PFAS cancer from tainted drinking water may be eligible for compensation by filing a claim.